Q. Which version of the Bible do you use?
A. Primarily the New King James Version for the PraiseMoves postures. We do encourage studying several versions of the Bible, including the Amplified Classic, King James Version, Complete Jewish Bible, New Living Translation, and others.
Q. What is the music like on your Workouts?
A. You can hear samples of the music on the video trailers posted for each item in the Store.
Darren Scroggins' worship music is featured on the Power PraiseMoves DVD, Klaus on PraiseMoves Gold, and Jason French hymn music is featured on several other PraiseMoves DVDs. The hymns are well-loved favorites many of us remember from our youth but brought up-to-date with contemporary instruments and flowing rhythms.
Our music always blends beautifully with the Scripture and PraiseMoves postures–nothing is ever jarring, nor is it ever boring!
Q. What is the foundation scripture of PraiseMoves?
A. 1st Corinthians 6:20, “For you were bought at a price, therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God's.”
Q. What do Bible scholars, teachers, pastors, and Christian apologists have to say about PraiseMoves?
A. Dr. Laurette Willis has been featured on numerous Christian talk shows on TV and radio (TBN, CBN, 100 Huntley Street, Oasis Radio, Moody Radio, American Family Radio, and others), as well as in Christian and secular magazines (Charisma, Christianity Today, TIME, Newsweek, and others) talking about PraiseMoves and the dangers of yoga.
Here is the article that “started it all” from the formerly-known Today's Christian Woman magazine. Read “The Truth About Yoga” by Holly Robaina, featuring her eye-opening article about the dangers of yoga, and the PraiseMoves difference.
In addition to numerous pastors, ministry leaders, and Christian authors who have written favorably about PraiseMoves as a true Christ-centered ALTERNATIVE to yoga, we have received good reports and positive comments from Christian authors and experts on world religions and cults such as Mike Shreve, and Jill Martin Rische (speaking favorably about PraiseMoves and quoting Laurette in the remarkable tome The Kingdom of the Occult, completing the work of her father Walter Martin); Thelma Wells; the Christian Research Institute, Bible teachers Joni Eareckson-Tada, Florence Littauer, Christine Darg and others.
Q. What is your Statement of Faith?
A. Our Statement of Faith is at the heart of the PraiseMoves Fitness Ministry. It is so vital in fact, that it is part of the application signed by those wishing to become CPIs (Certified PraiseMoves Instructors).
We believe the Bible, both Old and New Testaments, is the inspired Word of God to man, the infallible authoritative rule of faith and moral conduct.
We believe there is one God, existing eternally; and revealed in the Scriptures as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
We believe the Lord Jesus Christ is the eternal Son of God. The Scriptures declare His virgin Birth, His sinless life, His miracles, His shed blood and substitutionary death on the cross for us, His bodily resurrection from the dead, His being on the right hand of God the Father, and His soon-coming return in power and glory.
We believe in the lost condition of man to sin, and man's need for a Savior, and that regeneration by the Holy Spirit is essential for eternal life in Christ.
We believe in the present ministry of the Holy Spirit by whose indwelling the Christian is enabled to live a godly life.
We believe in the resurrection from the dead of the saved and the lost; the Bible declares there is a real heaven to be gained as well as a literal hell from which we can choose to be saved (“If you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved” Romans 10:9).
We believe in the Body of Christ – in the spiritual unity of believers in our Lord Jesus Christ.
I have read and understand the Statement of Faith and agree with it without mental reservation.
Signed: ___________________________________ Date: ___________________
Q. I have a testimony about how PraiseMoves has helped me. Where may I send it?
A. We would love to hear from you! There are recommendations from health professionals and hundreds of dynamic testimonies of how PraiseMoves has been a blessing to adults and children physically, emotionally, and spiritually–people from all walks of life.
When you submit a testimony, your name is entered into a drawing to win the PraiseMoves workout of your choice!
You may read some of the PraiseMoves testimonies and endorsements here: TESTIMONIES.