Q. If PraiseMoves isn't Christian yoga–or yoga for Christians–what is it?

A. SINCE 2001, PraiseMoves has been called “The Christian ALTERNATIVE to yoga” for a reason. Since yoga is a part of the Hindu religion (the poses in yoga are “offerings” to the 330 million Hindu gods), we do not call PraiseMoves “Christian yoga.” That would be an oxymoron or contradiction in terms. Imagine trying to blend a religion (Hinduism) with a personal relationship centered on the Person of Jesus Christ (Christianity) – it cannot be done. That would be like someone calling herself a “Christian Buddhist” or “Christian Hindu.” You'd think she was confused, wouldn't you?

PraiseMoves is a series of stretching and strength-building postures, each linked to a verse of Scripture we focus upon while doing the posture. For example, during The Angel posture (left), we are meditating upon or speaking aloud Psalm 91:11, “For He shall give His angels charge over you to keep you in all your ways.”

There are also modifications for PraiseMoves postures for those with physical challenges, and advanced versions of the postures, such as Advanced Angel (right).

In this way, we are not only building strength, flexibility, and balance in our bodies; we are also being “transformed by the renewing of (our) minds” on the Word of God (Romans 12:2), nourishing our spirits and praising the Lord through His Word.

We are experiencing the truth of PraiseMoves' foundation scripture, “For you were bought at a price, therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God's” 1st Corinthians 6:20.

It is our belief that the postures are NOT the foundation of PraiseMoves. The Word of God, as found in the Bible is the foundation. The exercises are the “witty invention” to get you more into the Word, and to get more of the Word into you!

For more information about the history of yoga and the PraiseMoves difference, please read Dr. Laurette's in-depth article, “The Truth About Yoga” HERE, and don't miss former yogi L.G. Marshall's eye-opening article “Profound Differences Between Yoga and PraiseMoves" HERE

Q. Some PraiseMoves Postures Look Like Yoga?

“But wait a second, some of these postures sure look a lot like yoga poses.”

  • IF the foundation of PraiseMoves were the exercise, I would be concerned about that, too. 
  • But exercise is NOT the foundation of PraiseMoves. 
  • The foundation of PraiseMoves is the Word of God we meditate upon and speak aloud while doing these stretching and strengthening postures. 
  • The exercise is the *witty invention* to get you more INTO the Word of God...
  • and more of the Word of God INTO you!
Here are a few more important distinctions:

  • The body can only move in a finite number of waysnot an infinite number of ways.
  • There are currently over 150 PraiseMoves postures – each linked to a portion of scripture.
  • Some of the PraiseMoves postures resemble yoga poses while others do not. 
For example, the 22 PraiseMoves Alphabetics postures are based on the 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet 
(such as the Lamed posture Dr. Laurette is demonstrating).

PraiseMoves Posture: Lamed (pronounced lah'-med). 

In Hebrew, Lamed means the Tongue. This is its accompanying scripture we meditate upon or speak aloud while doing the Lamed posture:

 “Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruit,” (Proverbs 18:2).

  • Remember, the enemy (satan, the adversary, the deceiver) is NOT a creator. 
  • God alone is the creator. 

  • The enemy can only take things that God has created and “twist” them to bring people to the feet of a false idol 
  • I’m sure you’ve seen that in relation to music 
  • 👉 Same music scale, and same notes on a piano, but the music itself can glorify God or it can have the opposite effect.
If I may be so bold, I consider PraiseMoves to be a redemptive work of the Lord. 
Any postures of our over 150 which resemble yoga we consider to be "redemptive postures," in that we are "redeeming" them or bringing them out of darkness.

NO, the postures will NOT redeem a person - goodness! Only Jesus can do that! 
You can look up the word "redeem" and see it is used in common vernacular - such as we "redeem" our coat from the Dry Cleaner's. The meaning of REDEEM is "to buy back."

Instead of "The Cobra" pose, we do a simple stretch called "The Vine" posture wherein we meditate and speak aloud Jesus' words in John 15:5, "Jesus said, "I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing." 

"I have a BIG NOSE for New Age and yoga," says Dr. Laurette. "Having been involved in it for 22 years (ages 7 to 29), I can *smell* it and because of that, want absolutely NOTHING to do with it. I believe that getting people more into the Word of God will develop their discernment so they will be able to avoid the entrapments of the enemy. That's a big part of what PraiseMoves is all about. To learn more about the motives behind why we do what we do, please read our PraiseMoves Fitness Ministry Mission Statement below."

Q. What is the PraiseMoves Fitness Ministry Mission Statement?
A. In line with PraiseMoves' Foundation Scripture ("For you were bought at a price; therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God’s," 1 Corinthians 6:20), our Mission Statement reads:


Q. I'm a beginner (or: I have physical challenges; I'm older; I haven't worked out in years). Which Workouts would you recommend?

A. For someone new to PraiseMoves, we recommend either the PraiseMoves DVD (Laurette w/the red shirt) or the 20-Minute Workout (with beginner, intermediate, and advanced workouts all-in-one Workout product).

Also, PraiseMoves GOLD is for seniors and those of ALL ages who would like a seated and standing-with-chair workout. 

Q. I'm interested in the Hebrew Alphabet (Alef-Bet) postures. What are they, and are they available?

A. PraiseMoves Alphabetics are the 22 Hebrew Letter postures Dr. Laurette developed through prayer over a period of months. The postures featured in the PraiseMoves Alphabetics workout are linked to the acrostic passages of Psalm 119 and Proverbs 31:10-31. 

An acrostic is a poem or portion of scripture in which certain letters spell out a word or follow a certain order. In the case of Psalm 119, every 8 verses begin with a different letter of the Hebrew alphabet, in order from alef to tav (the 1st through the 22nd letter). In your bible, it may show that every 8 verses of Psalm 119 has a different Hebrew letter in its title.

Certified PraiseMoves Instructors learn the PraiseMoves Alphabetics in their training, and many include these postures in their classes.

Did you know that the Hebrew word for ‘religion' is dat (a combination of the letters dalet which also means ‘door' and tav, meaning ‘the sign' or ‘the cross')? In other words, the Hebrew word for ‘religion' is ‘the door to the cross'! Tav had been in the shape of a cross long before the horrible torture of crucifixion was practiced. No wonder the shape of the letter tav went from the shape of a cross to the table-like shape after the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. When I realized that, I suddenly had a vibrant new perspective of the layers within God's Word. Everything points to Jesus! ~ Dr. Laurette

Q. I'm a man, but see mostly women in your DVDs and on your site. Is PraiseMoves for men, too?

A. Absolutely yes! Many men enjoy doing PraiseMoves, and we are certainly looking for more men to seek the Lord to become Certified PraiseMoves Instructors. Men enjoy the physical and spiritual benefits of PraiseMoves and appreciate the importance of flexibility and balance as our bodies mature. Flexibility and balance are also critical in most sports and activities such as running, hiking, and even golf. 

Some men are surprised by the core muscle-building and upper and lower body strengthening benefits of a PraiseMoves workout. It can be as challenging physically as you'd like it to be!

Many men enjoy our Power PraiseMoves workouts (and have used it in conjunction with P90X and similar programs instead of “power yoga”). You will find the Power PraiseMoves workout in the Store. 

In our PraiseMoves Zazzle store, we even have a t-shirt that says, “Real Men Do PraiseMoves!” 💪💪💪😊

Q. Which version of the Bible do you use?

A. Primarily the New King James Version for the PraiseMoves postures. We do encourage studying several versions of the Bible, including the Amplified Classic, King James Version, Complete Jewish Bible, New Living Translation, and others.

Q. What is the music like on your Workouts?

A. You can hear samples of the music on the video trailers posted for each item in the Store. 
Darren Scroggins' worship music is featured on the Power PraiseMoves DVD, Klaus on PraiseMoves Gold, and Jason French hymn music is featured on several other PraiseMoves DVDs. The hymns are well-loved favorites many of us remember from our youth but brought up-to-date with contemporary instruments and flowing rhythms. 
Our music always blends beautifully with the Scripture and PraiseMoves postures–nothing is ever jarring, nor is it ever boring! 

Q. What is the foundation scripture of PraiseMoves?

A. 1st Corinthians 6:20, “For you were bought at a price, therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God's.”

Q. What do Bible scholars, teachers, pastors, and Christian apologists have to say about PraiseMoves?

A. Dr. Laurette Willis has been featured on numerous Christian talk shows on TV and radio (TBN, CBN, 100 Huntley Street, Oasis Radio, Moody Radio, American Family Radio, and others), as well as in Christian and secular magazines (Charisma, Christianity Today, TIME, Newsweek, and others) talking about PraiseMoves and the dangers of yoga.

Here is the article that “started it all” from the formerly-known Today's Christian Woman magazine. Read “The Truth About Yoga” by Holly Robaina, featuring her eye-opening article about the dangers of yoga, and the PraiseMoves difference.

In addition to numerous pastors, ministry leaders, and Christian authors who have written favorably about PraiseMoves as a true Christ-centered ALTERNATIVE to yoga, we have received good reports and positive comments from Christian authors and experts on world religions and cults such as Mike Shreve, and Jill Martin Rische (speaking favorably about PraiseMoves and quoting Laurette in the remarkable tome The Kingdom of the Occult, completing the work of her father Walter Martin); Thelma Wells; the Christian Research Institute, Bible teachers Joni Eareckson-Tada, Florence Littauer, Christine Darg and others.

Q. What is your Statement of Faith?

A. Our Statement of Faith is at the heart of the PraiseMoves Fitness Ministry. It is so vital in fact, that it is part of the application signed by those wishing to become CPIs (Certified PraiseMoves Instructors).

We believe the Bible, both Old and New Testaments, is the inspired Word of God to man, the infallible authoritative rule of faith and moral conduct.

We believe there is one God, existing eternally; and revealed in the Scriptures as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

We believe the Lord Jesus Christ is the eternal Son of God. The Scriptures declare His virgin Birth, His sinless life, His miracles, His shed blood and substitutionary death on the cross for us, His bodily resurrection from the dead, His being on the right hand of God the Father, and His soon-coming return in power and glory.

We believe in the lost condition of man to sin, and man's need for a Savior, and that regeneration by the Holy Spirit is essential for eternal life in Christ.

We believe in the present ministry of the Holy Spirit by whose indwelling the Christian is enabled to live a godly life.

We believe in the resurrection from the dead of the saved and the lost; the Bible declares there is a real heaven to be gained as well as a literal hell from which we can choose to be saved (“If you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved” Romans 10:9).

We believe in the Body of Christ – in the spiritual unity of believers in our Lord Jesus Christ.

I have read and understand the Statement of Faith and agree with it without mental reservation.

Signed: ___________________________________ Date: ___________________

Q. I have a testimony about how PraiseMoves has helped me. Where may I send it?

A. We would love to hear from you! There are recommendations from health professionals and hundreds of dynamic testimonies of how PraiseMoves has been a blessing to adults and children physically, emotionally, and spiritually–people from all walks of life.

We would welcome your testimony! You may send it to us at info@praisemoves.com
When you submit a testimony, your name is entered into a drawing to win the PraiseMoves workout of your choice! 
You may read some of the PraiseMoves testimonies and endorsements here: TESTIMONIES.

Q. I've just found out I'm going to have a baby. Is it safe to do PraiseMoves during pregnancy?

A. First, congratulations and glory to God for the new life coming to fruition through you!

We always encourage you to check with your doctor first. Generally speaking, if you have already been active doing regular workouts before becoming pregnant, you can continue exercising during pregnancy. One added benefit you will receive when you do PraiseMoves is Scripture. There is Scripture tied to every PraiseMoves posture and your baby will be hearing the Word of God while you exercise with PraiseMoves! How awesome is that?

We are planning a Prenatal PraiseMoves Workout in the near future. Some of our Certified PraiseMoves Instructors have continued to teach PraiseMoves classes throughout their pregnancy and delivered healthy, Word-enriched babies! 

A GIFT we give our newly Certified PraiseMoves Instructors is called "Prenatal PraiseMoves" which enables them to be able to modify some of our PraiseMoves postures for expectant mothers. 

NOTE – Our 20-Minute PraiseMoves workouts have Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced workouts. 
A number of expecting parents have chosen the 20-Minute PraiseMoves Workouts since they can easily do the Beginner workout and the modifications. 
Another option is our PraiseMoves Gold workouts because of the seated workouts and standing workouts with a chair. This is great for expectant moms and  has also been very popular with those who would like to “take it easy.” 🙂
You can find these workouts in our SHOP.

Q. After checking with my doctor, which PraiseMoves postures should I do or avoid?

A. The following is written by one of our Certified PraiseMoves Instructors shortly after she had her 3rd baby:

“I am 11 weeks post-natal and did PraiseMoves as well as taught PraiseMoves classes throughout my pregnancy. My suggestion for expectant mothers is to just watch your body. Don't do postures that don't feel good. Depending on whether this is your first pregnancy or not depends on how your body will be affected. Because your body emits the hormone relaxin to help stretch your joints, you become and stay flexible throughout your pregnancy. But you have to be careful. If you overstretch, you can do harm to the joint and connective tissue surrounding the joint.

“I have to say that PraiseMoves helped me to stay pain-free throughout my whole pregnancy. I taught 4 high-intensity/low-impact cardio classes at the local gym during my pregnancy. I also taught 3 PraiseMoves classes per week. I had no trouble with my hips or back like I did with my first two children (I taught just cardio classes through those pregnancies and didn't do any stretching other than the static stretching we did at the very end of class).

“As far as postures that I couldn't do – I did pretty much all of them. They say that pregnant women shouldn't lie in a supine position because the blood flow to the baby is restricted in that position, but that's for long periods of time and when you're farther along in your pregnancy. 

"Depending on your own fitness level, pretty much all of the postures can be done. I think in my 9th month The Scroll, The Dove, and The Little Child were challenging to do for the mere fact that my belly got in the way. Also, I wouldn't recommend doing The Vine or Peter's Boat when you get farther along for obvious reasons (no lying on one's belly).

“The Jars of Clay posture might be difficult in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters because of the separation in the abdominal muscles, but you can modify it by keeping one foot on the ground and supporting your back with hands resting on the sides of the quadriceps. Again, if it doesn't feel good to your body, then don't do it.”

Q. Where can I find out about PraiseMoves classes in my area?

A. Please see our Instructors and Classes page HERE

Q. How can I train to become a Certified PraiseMoves Instructor (CPI)?

A. Details, requirements, and application to become a CPI see: Instructor Training HERE

Q. Are there yearly renewal fees and recertification requirements? 

A. Yes, please see: Instructor Training info HERE

Q. I'm located outside of North America. Can I still train to become a CPI?

A. Absolutely. We have been training women and men ages 18 to 80s to become Fitness Ministers with PraiseMoves since 2005. All of our Training is now done online, which we have been offering since 2012. People from all over the world have been able to join us for our online training. Everything is recorded, so you don't have to be on "live" at any particular time. It works! 

Q. I don't feel entirely comfortable ordering online. Is it safe?
A. Yes. Our shopping cart works through STRIPE which is VeriSign secured.

Q. I don't have a Stripe account. Can I still order online?
A. YES! Stripe is only the “shopping cart.” You may use any credit or debit card when on the PraiseMoves site.

Q. Do you still offer hard-copy books and DVDs?
A. No, we no longer have hard-copy products. All of our workouts are instant-access digital videos and downloadable eBooks. They will be available to you via your own app on any mobile device, or online through your desktop or laptop computer. 
PraiseMoves branded physical products (t-shirts, mugs, caps, tote bags, aprons, clocks, and more) are at our CafePress.com/praisemoves store.

Q. What is your return/refund policy?
A. All of our workout products have promotional trailers so you can see what they're like before you purchase. If, after purchasing any of our PraiseMoves workout products, you are not satisfied, write to us at info@praisemoves.com and we'll see how we can make sure you're 100% satisfied and praising the Lord -- THAT is our goal.