02. 20-Minute PraiseMoves Workouts & eBook$19.95 $14.95 -25% Save $5
In just 20 minutes a day, viewers can strengthen, tone, and increase flexibility while renewing their minds and nourishing their spirits on God’s Word. Each posture is linked to Scripture to transform workouts into times of worship.
- 3 SEPARATE, UNIQUE WORKOUTS to Fit Your Schedule
- OVER 30 PraiseMoves postures, 3 Scripture Sequences & Walkin’ Wisdom Warm-ups
- Beginner, Intermediate AND Advanced Workouts!
- Comes with a 16-page Instructional eBook. From Harvest House Publishers
BEGINNER, Intermediate & Advanced Workouts
Has MODIFICATIONS for those with physical challenges. Features Dr. Laurette Willis
“As a board-certified musculoskeletal sub-specialist physician in the area of spine and joint pain, and as a Christian physician, I heartily recommend Dr. Laurette Willis’ PraiseMoves for your physical, mental/emotional & spiritual health!”

–Rita Hancock M.D., Board-certified in
Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation and in Pain Medicine
Author of The Eden Diet
- 3 SEPARATE, UNIQUE WORKOUTS to Fit Your Schedule
- OVER 30 PraiseMoves postures, 3 Scripture Sequences & Walkin’ Wisdom Warm-ups
- Beginner, Intermediate AND Advanced Workouts!
- Comes with a 16-page Instructional PDF. From Harvest House Publishers
In just 20 minutes a day, viewers can strengthen, tone, and increase flexibility while renewing their minds and nourishing their spirits on God’s Word. Each posture is linked to Scripture to transform workouts into times of worship.
This program offers ways to –
20 Minute PraiseMoves also includes an instructional segment with exercise tips, detailed posture moves, and postures for the beginner as well as the advanced PraiseMover.
These WORKOUTS s are fully loaded! Includes: workouts with new PraiseMoves postures for all levels, beginner and advanced Walkin’ Wisdom Warm-ups, Scripture Sequences, tips for modifying workouts for those with physical challenges, and much more!
Review from The Old Schoolhouse Magazine, the Magazine for Homeschool Families:
The 20-Minute PraiseMoves workouts aren’t yoga with a few Bible verses thrown in. In fact, Dr. Willis discusses the fact that the yoga moves are offerings to Hindu gods and a missionary arm of Hinduism. The time and attention to detail in this offering is clearly matched by the harmony of the physical movements and the focus on Christ.
These workouts allow you to transform workouts into worship. The true foundation of our life is the Word of God and that fact is evident throughout this program. Moreover, as you work this program more of God’s word is going into you via the various modalities: auditory, visual, and kinesthetic.
There are three levels presented in the 20-minute workouts so you can choose the level appropriate to your fitness level. Moreover, this program offers modifications for seniors and the physically impaired. Correct body alignment and deep diaphragmatic breathing is necessary at all levels so there are frequent reminders of this and other details.
Each of the postures has a name and a Bible verse to go with it. There is also an eBook that has the postures pictured with descriptions to make sure you are doing each one correctly; thus you will be maximizing your strength and minimizing your chance of injury.
During the workouts, scriptures are quoted and it is printed on the bottom of the screen. This allows God’s word to be seen, heard, and spoken by you.
This PraiseMoves workout is rich with God’s wisdom and helps to make our spirits and bodies strong. A wealth of information is found in the Walkin’ Wisdom Warm-Ups, the 20-minute PraiseMoves workouts, and the PraiseMoves postures.
So join me as we praise our Lord and Savior while we strengthen our walk and stand in His power. –Stephanie D. Scarborough, The Old Schoolhouse Magazine
NOTE: Perfect for ANY mobile device, laptop, or desktop computer.
Postures include:
Beginner PraiseMoves Postures
- Mt. Zion (Ps. 125:1)
- The Reed (Is. 42:3)
- The Standing Cross (1 Cor. 1:18)
- The Rainbow (Gen. 9:16)
- The Star (Dan. 12:3)
- The Angel (Ps. 91:11)
- The Tree (Ps. 1:3)
- The Tallit(1 Thess. 5:16-18)
- The Prayer Warrior (James 5:16)
- The Lord’s Prayer Scripture Sequence (Matt. 6:9-13)
Intermediate PraiseMoves Postures
- The Angel (Ps. 91:11)
- The Angel Bow (Phil. 2:10-11)
- The Runner (Heb. 12: 1-2)
- Jars of Clay (2 Cor. 4:7)
- The Scroll (Luke 4:16-18)
- David’s Harp (Ps. 108:2-3)
- The Little Child (Mark 10:15)
- The Vine (John 15:5)
- Turn-Away Twist (Ps. 119:37)
- Flapping Tent (Job 33:4)
- The Tent (Is. 54:2)
- The 23rd Psalm Scripture Sequence
Advanced PraiseMoves Postures
- Hey – “To Behold” (Hebrew Letter Posture; Luke 1:38)
- The Prayer Warrior (James 5:18)
- The Bell (Ex. 39:25-26)
- Lamed – “The Tongue” (Hebrew Letter Posture; Prov. 18:21)
- Dalet – “The Door” (Hebrew Letter Posture; Rev. 3:20)
- The Runner (Heb. 12:1-2)
- The Prize (Phil. 3:13-14)
- The Bow (2 Chron. 20:17-18)
- Rest and Stretch (Matt. 11:28)
- The Mustard Seed (Luke 17:6)
- Peter’s Boat (Luke 5:4)
- The Altar (Rom. 12:1)
- The Cross (Mark 8:34)
- Ephesians 3:14-21 Scripture Sequence
“I just wanted everyone to know that I have had issues all my life with flat feet or fallen arches…. that was until I started using the 20-minute PraiseMoves. I honestly believe that it is practicing Correct Body Alignment (CBA) which helps me distribute my weight on the outside of my feet. I have so much more stamina in walking, and I don’t get a sore back when walking on concrete anymore. I bought the workout to improve my balance, strengthen my core, and spend quality time with God in the process. I feel very Blessed and look forward to working my way up to longer and harder workouts!
Thank You so Much, you have Blessed me!” — Barb Calhoon, Green Bay, WI
Comes with an ebook with photos of the PraiseMoves postures with accompanying scriptures.