09. 40 Days to Fit & Fabulous Workouts & eBook$25.95 $14.95 -42% Save $11
Christian fitness expert, Laurette Willis presents a custom exercise plan that is uncompromisingly faith-based and committed to enriching your life: Spirit, soul, and body!
The Workout that comes with the program is the AM-PM PraiseMoves Workout.
Get Fit. Build Faith. Change Your Life. Includes eBook and instant-access Workout!
“Dr. Laurette Willis provides a blueprint for a new generation of Christians desirous of a focus on balancing physical fitness with spiritual well-being.” — Richard R. Blake, author, reviewer (more reviews below)
Sadly, statistics show that there are 50,000 – 100,000 yoga instructors offering classes in over 20,000 locations.
This includes churches!
It is time for believers to connect with the Lord using a fun and safe exercise program void of New Age influence.
Christian fitness expert, Dr. Laurette Willis presents a custom exercise plan that is uncompromisingly faith-based and committed to enriching your life: Spirit, soul, and body!
By going through 40 Days to Fit and Fabulous, you will:
Join the fitness revolution and become a fit witness for Christ!
NOTE: Perfect for ANY mobile device, laptop, or desktop computer.
Review by Tessa McKnight from her TessaMcKnight.com blog.

First off, I am so excited about this review. I didn't know I'd be this excited about PraiseMoves until I actually dug into it and did my share of learning what exactly PraiseMoves is all about. I'm pretty impressed!
What You Get
With 40 Days to Fit and Fabulous, you get the workout, plus the accompanying devotional eBook with morning and evening devotions.
What Are the Specifics?
40 Days to Fit and Fabulous includes the AM/PM PraiseMoves workout. The workouts include a basic intro explaining everything you'll need to know about this set, plus a section for the AM workout, and one for the PM workout.
The eBook is about 250 pages long and includes an extremely informative introduction, plus 40 days of morning or evening devotions (you can choose when you'd like to read that day's devotional) each including a new PraiseMoves posture with complete instructions and descriptions, plus a photo (or sometimes multiple pictures) to help you along.
The Content
This workout is nothing short of relaxing. And the neat thing is, it stretches your muscles and makes you feel loose and free instead of uptight and stressed all the while giving you great exercise and relaxing your body. The Workouts are easy to follow. There are no fast movements that you have to watch over and over again to understand what is going on.
The Workouts themselves are calming, reasonably paced, and jam-packed with Scripture. (More about that later!) This workout is an easy one to do with just audio, meaning when you're stretching with your face to the floor and can't see the screen, you still know when you stop, start, move, etc. because the audio tells you so. A very nice feature, in my opinion!
I haven't worked up a sweat with this workout (yet!), and this is another thing I enjoy. To me, stretching and concentrating is a lot more relaxing when I'm being peaceful rather than fast-paced and upbeat.
In the introduction, you will find a section called Physical Benefits of PraiseMoves.
I'm including it here.
- Assists weight loss
- Reduces stress and tension and improves circulation
- Blood pressure and resting heart rate can drop significantly after stretching regularly
- Assists the lymphatic system's ability to remove toxins from the body
- Can help injuries to heal (regular stretching can reduce the risk of injury)
- Improves flexibility, coordination, agility, and balance
- The “miracle oil” of synovial fluid is released into joints, helping to protect them from injury. With no movement, joints become dry, causing the stiffness often associated with aging. Stretching releases the fluid to help joints more freely without pain.
- May improve the function of internal organs by reducing stress
- Can help prevent or reverse osteoporosis, increasing bone density
- May help ease symptoms of menopause
If ya ask me, that seems like a pretty beneficial list! I especially love that PraiseMoves can help lower blood pressure. It's a natural alternative to the many other ways of doing so, and natural is always better.
So along with helping aid weight loss, you are benefiting hugely in other areas of your body. It is also encouraged that you exercise doing whatever you love doing the week, as an addition to PraiseMoves. The more your body is moving, the healthier it's going to be.
Note to pregnant women: I'd check out this link if you're curious whether or not this type of exercise is okay for you to do during pregnancy.
Christian Alternative to Yoga
I've done my fair share of thinking over whether or not Christians should do Yoga. What I've come up with is pretty simple. There's nothing wrong with postures. (I mean, the body was created to move in all sorts of different directions!) The “wrongness” aspect of Yoga comes when one opens themselves up to demonic forces and false gods. That being said, I think that most people who do Yoga for exercise are doing it just for that reason: exercise. On a personal level, I'd tend to think it's better to stay away from it altogether, but I'm not going to say that a person is sinning if they are practicing Yoga for the health benefits of it. Ultimately it's between you and God, and you and your husband. In my family, my husband thinks it's best to stay away from Yoga altogether. So stay away we shall!
Dr. Laurette Willis, the creator of PraiseMoves, does a great job at explaining the differences between PraiseMoves and Yoga, and how PraiseMoves isn't “Christian Yoga” but rather, an alternative. For an extensive downloadable article on the background of Yoga, you can read "The Truth About Yoga" and get Laurette's full thoughts on the subject!
Now, for my absolute favorite feature of PraiseMoves! The fact that PraiseMoves is literally dripping with Bible verses is incredible. The whole goal is to be focusing on the Word of God while you're exercising, and filling your mind with real food for your soul while at the same time, bettering your body.
Laurette says it best in the introduction to her eBook:
Exercise is NOT the foundation of PraiseMoves! What? Isn't this all about the stretching postures? No. The foundation of PraiseMoves is neither exercise nor stretching postures, as wonderfully beneficial as they are!
The foundation of PraiseMoves is the Word of God which we speak aloud or meditate upon while doing the PraiseMoves postures. The healthful stretching postures are merely a “witty invention” to get us more into the Word of God – and to get more of the Word of God into us! If the truth be known, the stretching poses are not the foundation of Yoga either!
If that doesn't beat all when it comes to an exercise program, I don't know what does. It is downright refreshing to be stretching to Bible verses, having them read out loud to you, and reading them on the screen. Refreshing is the only word to describe it! Combining worship to the one true God, while feeding your soul, and stretching your muscles makes for a peaceful, relaxing, enjoyable start and/or end to your day.
One Other Note
You may remember a while back when I reviewed T-Tapp. I mentioned the clothing that the folks in the workouts wore was a little less than desirable. I am super excited that in PraiseMoves, the clothing is loose-fitting, modest, and completely appropriate. I super appreciate this aspect, and this adds loads and loads of good recommendations from me.
My Recommendation
I highly recommend PraiseMoves. If you're looking for a vigorous workout, this isn't the thing for you. But if you're looking for a supplement to your daily workout, or simply just something to help get the kinks out of your body after a hard night's sleep, or a busy day taking care of children, this is most certainly the thing for you.
*Disclaimer* I was provided a free copy of this material for the purpose of reviewing this product on my blog, tessamcknight.com. This review is my own opinion. I was not paid for this review.
TWO Pieces: The workouts are instant access to any mobile device, laptop, or computer. The eBook is downloadable.
NOTE: The Workouts that come with the program are the AM-PM PraiseMoves Workouts.