07. PraiseMoves Gold Workouts$19.95 $14.95 -25% Save $5
Many have asked us for a workout to address the needs of seniors, the elderly, and those with physical challenges (including obesity, arthritis, fibromyalgia, hip and knee pain, frozen shoulder–and more.) As we *mature,* our desire to live active, healthy lives increases.
Unfortunately, as our bodies age, many of us tend to move less. The same applies to those whose mobility is challenged due to other factors such as severe obesity, disability, illness, or recovering from surgery.
Move It or Lose It!
Enjoy this promo featuring segments from all 3 workouts:
As bodies age, the tendency is to want to slow down and “take it easy.”
“Taking it easy is actually what we should not do,” says PraiseMoves Gold co-developer Nola Jeanne Baird, 66 years young (featured in lavender below with her PMGold students). “PraiseMoves helps keep you young. I’m more flexible now than I was when I did gymnastics and ballet!”
IT’S A S-T-R-E-T-C-H!!!

Lack of movement and stretching can cause joint deterioration and loss of flexibility. Sitting for long periods of time shortens muscles; they become tight and weakened. Osteoporosis is linked to a lack of weight-bearing activity.
Lack of balance among seniors and the elderly is of particular concern. Medical complications resulting from a fall among those over 65 can lead to serious problems.
Here’s a list of what’s possible:
1) Assists in weight loss
2) Incorporates full-body stretching
3) Helps improve circulation
4) Helps alleviate stress
5) Helps injuries to heal
6) Improves coordination, agility, flexibility, and Joint ROM (Range of Motion)
7) Helps promote healthier tissues
8) Improves balance
9) Improves sleep
10) Improves strength and resiliency
11) Decreases fasting blood sugar levels regarding: diabetes
12) Reduction in Hypertension; decrease in blood pressure, sugar, cholesterol, and triglycerides
13) Reduces chronic pain
14) Helps relieve acute breathing difficulties
15) Arthritis; relief from pain of
16) Increases respiratory efficiency
17) Improves posture
18) Improves immune function
19) Improves somatic and kinesthetic awareness
20) Increases steadiness
21) Improves depth perception
22) Improves integrated functioning of body parts
23) Decreases osteoporosis

Nola Jeanne Baird and PraiseMoves Founder Laurette Willis
That’s the REAL PraiseMoves Difference. Exercise is the *witty invention* to get you more into the Word of God — and GET MORE OF THE WORD OF GOD INTO YOU!
Answering Many Requests – and Answered Prayers!
Filmed in high-definition at the Montag Studio in Tulsa, PraiseMoves Gold is the culmination of several years of work and practical application for Certified PraiseMoves Instructor and Trainer Nola Jeanne Baird and PraiseMoves Founder Dr. Laurette Willis.
Nola Jeanne has taught PraiseMoves classes since 2005 at churches, schools, and a retirement center where her most senior student was 97 years young!
Featuring Klaus Kuehn piano worship music! Worship Leader, Concert Pianist, Songwriter and Artist for Integrity Music.

3 workouts to Fit Your Lifestyle (45 minutes each!)
* Seated
* Standing with Chair
* Floor
Other segments include:
* How to get up and down from the floor using a chair (even those who are heavy or have knee & hip problems have been able to do this successfully);
* Introduction with the 5 Ways to Do PraiseMoves Gold
* Dr. Laurette’s Teaching & Prayer on How to Receive Healing
* And more! Over 170 minutes in these video workouts!
NOTE: Perfect for ANY mobile device, laptop, or desktop computer.