10. Soaking in the Psalms Scripture-Guided Meditations
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“Soaking in the Psalms” 3-piece program: 
Beautiful Audios, Workbook-Journal, plus 40-day Devotional


“This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall MEDITATE in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success” (Joshua 1:8).

Much of what is called meditation (even “Christian meditation”) is hypnosis, not meditating on the Word of God.

Don’t “empty your mind”! Fill it – with the Word of God! That’s Christian Meditation!

“This program is literally SOAKING in God’s HOLY Word!” – Joanie, Kodiak, AK

* No guided imagery! * No mysticism! * No hypnosis! * Just pure Bible and anointed music to help you focus on the Lord of glory. * FILL your mind with the Word of the living God!

* Enjoy 40 Psalm passages read by Dr. Laurette Willis to nine *soaking* songs by award-winning musician and composer John Tussey. * Includes Workbook-Journal eBook * Plus 40-day Devotional eBook!

Meditation in Bible Times:
According to Zodhiates’ AMG Complete Word Study:
“It is possible that the Scriptures were read audibly during the process of meditation.”

“I’m loving Soaking in the Psalms. I have the recordings on my iPod & listen as I go to sleep, as well as during the day.” – Vanetta Stephens, OK

Instant Access Program!
* 9 tracks of beautiful “soaking” music with 40 Psalm passages
* 40-Day Devotional
* Workbook & Journal (Instant Access Only)

Soaking in the Psalms Tracks Include:
Track 1 - Psalms 1, 3, 5
Track 2 - Psalms 16 - 19
Track 3 - Psalms 23, 24, 27, 30
Track 4 - Psalms 31, 34, 35, 37, 40, 42
Track 5 - Psalms 46, 55, 56, 60, 63, 68, 84, 90
Track 6 - Psalm 91 
Track 7 - Psalms 103, 107, 111, 112
Track 8 - Psalms 118, 119, 121, 122, 125, 126
Track 9 - Psalms 127, 139, 141, 150

Music by Award-winning musician John Tussey
“The sample track releases His Presence…” Gail Bryant, AL

LISTEN HERE: Soaking in the Psalms SELECTION 

“It has been a wonderful time of prayer and meditation. It gives me a shield against any negative thoughts or feelings, and protects me from temptation! It has been on all the time with ‘Repeat’ on in my computer!” – Sachiko Houck, Lancaster, PA

“Soaking in the Psalms” INSTANT ACCESS audios and Workbook-Journal eBook, plus 40-day Devotional eBook.

“We are thrilled to recommend Soaking in the Psalms.”

“My husband, Ron, and I are naturopaths. Our goal is to enable clients to achieve their optimum health in spirit, mind & body. “We were absolutely amazed with Soaking in the Psalms! The Psalms, quoted by the serene, soothing voice of Laurette Willis, draw one into a healthy, relaxing state of meditation based on God’s Word. 

"The music by John Tussey, which accompanies Dr. Laurette, lifts the listener into heavenly realms of relaxation!“Soaking in the Psalms offers a Godly method for building one’s spirit and renewing one’s mind. As we each meditate upon God’s Word, strengthening our ‘spirit-man’ and bringing our thoughts into line with God’s Word, our optimum physical health will not be far behind!”

Pam Anderson, DNM, RN, CNHP, AHNA, Ordained Minister @ New Horizons Natural Healthcare and Ron Anderson, DNM, MH, CNC, CNHP, Board Certified (ANMA), Ordained Minister 

NOTE:  Perfect for ANY mobile device, laptop, or desktop computer.

Featuring these Songs by John Tussey:
Track 1: Out of the Depths©2006 by John L. Tussey Jr. ASCAP All Rights Reserved 
Track 2: Soft Breeze©2006 by John L. Tussey Jr. ASCAP All Rights Reserved 
Track 3: Path of New Beginnings©2011 by John L. Tussey Jr. ASCAP All Rights Reserved 
Track 4: Magnesium Flow©2012 by John L. Tussey Jr. ASCAP All Rights Reserved 
Track 5: Free Flight©2011 by John L. Tussey Jr. ASCAP All Rights Reserved
Track 6: H~Hydrogen©2011 by John L. Tussey Jr. ASCAP All Rights Reserved 
Track 7: Clouds of Peace©2010 by John L. Tussey Jr. ASCAP All Rights Reserved 
Track 8: Oxygen Flow©2012 by John L. Tussey Jr. ASCAP All Rights Reserved  
Track 9: Stairway to Serenity©2010 by John L. Tussey Jr. ASCAP All Rights Reserved