Hatha yoga is the style you will find in most workout videos and presented at most fitness centers, health clubs, and sadly, even churches – you know, the kind many think is "just exercise”?
The following explanation was given by Yogacharya Vishwas Mandlik, Vice Chancellor of Yoga at Vidya Gurukul (Yoga University).

“The term Hatha Yoga has been commonly used to describe the practice of asana (poses).
"The syllable ‘ha’ denotes the pranic (vital) force governing the physical body and ‘tha’ denotes the chitta (mental) force thus making Hatha Yoga a catalyst to an awakening of the two energies that govern our lives.
"More correctly the techniques described in Hatha Yoga harmonize and purify the body systems and focus the mind in preparation for more advanced chakra and kundalini practices.
“Let us see the meaning of the word Hatha, it is made up of Ha + Tha. 'Ha' means Ida nadi, (moon principle) or left nostril, and 'tha' means Pingala Nadi (sun principle) or right nostril.
"Nadi means psychic passage of energy which can be compared with nerves in the physical body. Hatha means the balance of Ida and Pingala Nadis, or the balancing of the mental energy of Ida and the Vital energy of Pingala Nadi. Ida Nadi can be compared with the Parasympathetic Nervous system and Pingala nadi can be compared with the Sympathetic Nervous System. So Hatha Yoga practices result in balancing the entire nervous system.
"The basic purpose of Hatha Yoga is to purify the Ida and Pingala Nadis and then unite these two forces with the third Psychic Nadi Sushumna, which carries Kundalini at Ajna Chakra (eyebrow center).”
Yoga is just exercise…right? Or is it?
To learn more about the dangers of yoga and the beautiful PraiseMoves difference, please see "The Truth About Yoga" HERE
Also the blog post "Christian Yoga Founder was Hindu"