Since 2005, PraiseMoves has been researched and investigated by dozens of CREDIBLE apologists, Christian researchers, and investigators and has been found CLEAN and truly “The Christian ALTERNATIVE to yoga” (proof below).
A wonderful Bible teacher and evangelist whose ministry I have followed for many years once said that the Lord directed him NOT to read any reviews written about him either positive or negative.
Wise advice. Other people's unfounded opinions can affect you if you let them.
Realize that some people have agendas that are not godly. For those who wonder, “Is PraiseMoves really ‘The Christian ALTERNATIVE to yoga?’” Yes, we absolutely are.
Do not be surprised when there are people who try to say something different. After 20 years, we are familiar with all sorts of arrows sent against us.
Some even doctor up our videos to share a message we do not share. Sad. One put their own writing “tree pose“ over my PraiseMoves video… And we know it is not called the tree pose.
We do deep diaphragmatic breathing (physical), not Tantric breathing (spiritual manipulation), or anything of the enemy like that.
Some show highlights from part of sentences in one of our video Booklets such as, “Some of the PraiseMoves postures might look like yoga…”
However, they do not include the rest of the sentence, which says there are over 150 PraiseMoves postures, with their foundation on Scripture we meditate upon and speak aloud while doing stretching / strengthening postures; the body can only move in a finite number of ways not an infinite number of ways; the enemy is not a creator, he only takes those things God has created to bring people to the feet of false idol, etc.
You can see this written out clearly and in depth at the link below - and I strongly recommend you study it and seek the precious Holy Spirit to bring wisdom, revelation, and understanding to you as you read it.
Remember there are those who do NOT like us and what we are doing. It is good to be prepared so you will be able to clearly discern truth from fiction. Sadly, some do not seem to understand that the body can only move in a finite number of ways, not an infinite number of ways. Any postures of our over 150 which resemble yoga we consider to be "redemptive postures," in that we are "redeeming" them or bringing them out of darkness.
NO, the postures will NOT redeem a person - goodness! Only Jesus can do that! You can look up the word "redeem" and see it is used in common vernacular - such as we "redeem" our coat from the Dry Cleaner's. The meaning of REDEEM is "to buy back."
NO, the postures will NOT redeem a person - goodness! Only Jesus can do that! You can look up the word "redeem" and see it is used in common vernacular - such as we "redeem" our coat from the Dry Cleaner's. The meaning of REDEEM is "to buy back."
What is the Holy Spirit saying to YOU?
We’re saddened to see attacks against us; however, we know that the Lord will lead and guide those who have ears to hear to let them hear what the Holy Spirit is saying to them.
We shall not be moved.
And that’s what’s most important:
What the Holy Spirit is saying to each one of us. He is our Comforter, Leader, and Guide.
We are definitely not so-called holy yoga or any demonic mix like so-called Christian yoga, as you know.
When someone has an agenda and a point they want to prove, they will often be led to deception to try to prove their shaky point. Sad.
Back in 2005 we had a number of apologists, ministries, and publishing companies such as Harvest House Publishers go over everything of ours with a fine-tooth comb…
Also theologians, former New Agers and former yogis such as our friend Rev. Mike Shreve (look him up, you will be blessed by his stand against yoga, so-called Christian yoga, and false religions of the New Age— he has a heart for those in other religions and has won many to Christ). I was blessed to be featured in Rev. Shreve’s book with Sid Roth in 2011 as one of 10 former New Agers in a book that’s a marvelous witnessing tool).
Other researchers include the Christian Research Institute, Walter Martin and daughter (“Kingdom of the Occult” book where they carefully reviewed and dissected hundreds of false religions and New Age and so-called Christian yoga… They recommended PraiseMoves as a true Christ-centered alternative) and many others.
We got a clean bill of health, glory to God.
We’ve also had other hit jobs by Christians who had their own agendas and did not take the time or initiative to interview me personally.
Several have since apologized.
We’ve also been ridiculed in secular interviews and videos. We’ve been argued with and yelled at by yogis and gurus calling even from India when we first started.
This last category reminds me of when I was a New Ager with all kinds of tolerance for all sorts of things EXCEPT Christianity. Paul and I have often mused that we have become those persons we used to ridicule. 

God is gracious and full of compassion. Thank You, Jesus.
He is showing me more and more to be quick to forgive (Mark 11:25) and not to be touchy, fretful, or take account of a suffered wrong, as we see in 1st Corinthians 13.
Let us keep our hand on the plow and go forward.
We are in a time of great growth and breakthroughs in PraiseMoves with our directive from the Lord:

No wonder the enemy is mad.
We are not ignorant of the devil’s devices (2 Corinthians 2:11).
We shall not be, we shall not be moved!

You are in our prayers and praises to the Lord. We thank you for your love and prayers on our behalf!
LEARN MORE about "Why a Christian ALTERNATIVE to yoga?" HERE