“Yoga is Hinduism,” said Professor Tiwari of the Hindu University of America in a TIME Magazine article “Stretching for Jesus” from Sept. 5, 2005.
From the same article in TIME Magazine:
“'Christian yoga is an oxymoron,'“ agrees Dr. Laurette Willis of Tahlequah, Okla. She says yoga led her to dabble in a rootless New Age lifestyle until she became a Christian. Willis now speaks to Christian groups against yoga, offering instead a series of poses [postures] called PraiseMoves.”
Again and again, we hear or read, “Yoga is just exercise,” or “Yoga is a science. It is not religion.”
But what do Hindus and true yogis say?
“The simple, immutable fact is that yoga originated from the Vedic or Hindu culture. Its techniques were not adopted by Hinduism but originated from it," said Subhas Tiwari, Professor of Yoga Philosophy and Meditation at the Hindu University of America in Orlando, FL.
Efforts to separate yoga from its spiritual center reveal ignorance of the goal of yoga,” Professor Tiwari concluded (HinduismToday.com – 9/1-3/09).

Former Kundalini Yoga teacher, Mike Shreve said, “Though I was unaware of it at the time when I studied yoga, I came under the influence of a counterfeit spiritual power that was not the true power of God.”

Mike taught yoga at four universities in Florida before he had a dramatic encounter with the Lord as a result of many people praying for him. He surrendered his life to Jesus and has gone on to lead many to Christ and away from yoga and other New Age practices.
He goes on to say, “There are many sweet, gracious, kind, and compassionate people studying yoga who would never purposefully seek to come under the influence of dark, deceptive, demonic powers.”
Mike says about Yoga and so-called “Christian Yoga” Teacher Certifications:
“It should be mentioned that in order to be a Certified Yoga Teacher by the standards of that industry, a teacher must spend a certain number of hours studying Vedic philosophy and the teachings of certain yoga masters from the East. Do you want that influencing you?”
– Stretching the Truth about Yoga, Charisma Magazine, January 2014.

Mike Shreve is the author of numerous books, such as “In Search of the True Light,” and “Truth Seekers,” the book which features my story and that of several other former New Agers who came to Christ.
A pastor, speaker, and frequent guest on television (such as The 700 Club and “It's Supernatural” with Sid Roth), former Kundalini yoga instructor Mike Shreve and his wife Elizabeth have become dear friends over the last 15 years.
😲 Did you know that the Founder of so-called "Christian yoga" was Hindu?
An ALTERNATIVE to yoga and "Christian yoga" training
Hundreds of dedicated women and men have chosen to train to bring Christian Fitness to their churches and communities by training to become Certified PraiseMoves Instructors instead. How powerful to lead people deeper into their relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ and His Word while helping them become “Fit Witnesses” for Christ in spirit, soul, and body!
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